Full data rescue service

Data recovery for iPhones and Smartphones

Whether it is Apple, Samsung, Huawei, etc. We are specialized in data recovery

  • Express Service within 48 hours
  • Success rate 100%
  • Price Guarantee
  • No Fix, No Fee ( Payment only if successful )
  • Professional competent & friendly
  • * coupled components must be intact
Telefonische Beratung
06842 70 81 529

Display crack or data loss after water damage or accident?

We repair with passion and competence

Register & enter order

To enter your data recovery order, simply click on the "Order data recovery" link. Now simply fill out our online order form. Please fill out all required fields. Our system will then generate a DHL shipment label for you.


Send in device

After you have entered the relevant data recovery order via our system and printed out the shipment label, pack your device securely and stick the printed shipment label on the package. Then hand in your device to DHL or take it to the nearest packing station.

Received data

Once we have received your device, we will diagnose the damage and provide you with a cost estimate free of charge. We save data from as little as 99 euros, so we are always interested in your cost estimate being as cheap as possible. After you have accepted the KVA, we recover the data from your smartphone and make it available for you to download or, if you wish, send it on a USB stick.

Data rescue of important photos, videos, notes, messages (SMS, WhatsApp, ...), documents, etc. We rescue your data where others have given up long ago!
We at smartphone data recovery guarantee you a data rescue on your smartphone or iPhone with the highest possible success rate of 100%. We only assume that the components required for data retention are intact. Using the example of an iPhone, these are CPU, NAND, Logic EEPROM and NFC IC. With a current Android smartphone, that would be the CPU and UFS memory chip. With older smartphones with eMMC memory, chip-OFF data recovery is usually possible.
What should I think of a flat rate data recovery?
We clearly distance ourselves from such dubious offers. The price for a data recovery always depends on the effort. Unlike many other providers, we don not want to lure our customers with cheap all-inclusive prices and then submit a higher cost estimate at the end. The price for a smartphone data recovery always depends on the effort that has to be made to save the data.
We rescue your data with the highest success rate, professionally & reliably.
  • Water & moisture damage
  • Phone can no longer be switched on
  • Smartphone screen (display) remains black / no longer displays
  • Smartphone touchscreen no longer shows any reaction
  • Phone can no longer be charged
  • Smartphone logic board is defective
Datenrettung Saarland Blieskastel
Smartphone Data Recovery
What data can be recovered from my smartphone?
Photos & Videos
Browsing history
WhatsApp histories
SmartphoneDatenrettungen - Apple, Samsung, Sony, Huawei - Handy Reparaturen und Datenrettung in Blieskastel im Saarland

Lost of data on smartphone, tablet or hard drive?

Our core competence lies in the area of data forensics. In our professionally equipped data recovery laboratory, we rescue data in the most hopeless cases. It doesnt matter to us whether it is a hard drive (HDD, SSD), SD card, smartphone, tablet, iMac, MacBook or other storage media. Contact us, we are pleased to help you.

Request data recovery
Data recovery
  • Hard disks (HDD, SSD)
  • Smartphone & tablet
  • Memory cards (SD, microSD, ...)
  • MacBook & iMac (including Apple SSD)
  • Cost only if successful
  • global.dataResqueList6
  • global.dataResqueList7
now from 99,00 €

Pionier in der Datenrettungstechnik und weltweiter Bildungspartner

In Europa sind wir eines der ersten Datenrettungunternehmen, welche Reparaturen auf Chiplevel-Ebene durchgeführt haben. Diese Methoden haben es uns ermöglicht, die Datenrettung grundlegend zu verbessern und neu zu definieren. Die ständige Innovation ist das Herzstück unserer Geschichte und unseres Erfolgs.

Hier sind einige Gründe, die uns zu einem führenden Datenrettungs-Anbieter auf dem internationalen Markt machen:


  • Gemeinsamer Erfolg mit Behörden: Unsere Expertise in der Datenrettung ist ein bewährter Partner für Strafverfolgungsbehörden auf Land- und Bundesebene. In einer Vielzahl von Fällen trugen unsere Kenntnisse entscheidend zur Sicherung kritischer Beweise bei.

  • Grenzüberschreitende Bildungsarbeit: Mit Stolz erweitern wir unser Engagement über Deutschland hinaus, indem wir Behörden in Österreich, Belgien und der Schweiz schulen. Wir verbessern ihre Fähigkeiten in der Handhabung moderner Datenrettung – eine Investition in die Sicherheit der Zukunft.

  • Innovation in der Technik: Unsere Rolle als eines der ersten Unternehmen in Europa, das die Chiplevel-Reparaturtechnik anwendete, verdeutlicht unseren Beitrag zum Fortschritt der Datenrettungsbranche.

  • Bildung als Branchenmotor: Über 600 Reparaturwerkstätten in Deutschland haben von unserer Expertise profitiert. Unser Einfluss ist auch digital spürbar – mit einem Social-Media-Netzwerk, das über 100.000 Follower zählt, und einer Videothek mit über tausend Beiträgen, die tiefgreifende Einblicke in die Welt der Datenrettung bieten.

  • Weltweite Anerkennung durch Expertise: Durch die Schulung von über 200 Fachleuten auf internationaler Ebene haben wir nicht nur unser Know-how, sondern auch unsere weltweite Reputation als Experten in der Datenrettung gefestigt.

Unsere Expertise und unser Enthusiasmus sind der Grundstein, auf dem wir unsere Dienstleistungen aufbauen, um Ihre Daten sicher und zuverlässig wiederherzustellen. Wenn Sie Rat suchen, zögern Sie nicht, uns anzurufen. Ein Gespräch mit einem unserer geschulten Experten kann der erste Schritt zur Lösung Ihres Datenproblems sein!

Professionelle telefonische Beratung:
Sollten Fragen aufkommen, kontaktieren Sie uns einfach für eine individuelle Beratung.
0 68 42 / 70 81 529
Youtube - Channel
Visit our Youtube - Channel

We show you a large number of repairs in live mode on our YouTube channel. From simple repairs in which components are replaced to forensic data recovery. We look forward to your visit on our YouTube channel.

We also regularly present interesting content on Instagram. Please visit us on our profile and follow our work there.

Youtube Channel Instagram Channel
What our customers say
Benedict Illner
Data recovery more than successful!
Everything went perfectly with my data recovery job. Not only was my data saved, I even got my iPhone fully functional again - that is just world class! Many, many thanks again for the very good work!
Christopher Kragl
RESQ - absolutely recommended!
I can absolutely recommend the RESQ team. As a long-standing customer, all problems have been solved professionally and quickly, whether it is a mobile phone repair (display, water damage, camera, microphone defective) or repairs to my Macbook. Praise also for the data backup that was carried out quickly recently. Employees seem very competent and are friendly. The new business premises are also generously dimensioned and round off the professional impression! Keep it up!
These guys are really, really good! Error 14 usually does not do much. Even highly professional data rescuers cannot do this. In my case, resq-repair did it! Sensational! All data back and iPhone fully functional. What is more, they did not even have to open the device (which voided the warranty). I know that there are very few in the world who can do that. Resq-Repair did it for me. Good work! Highly serious! And great advice too! Thanks to the whole team!
Many Thanks!
We have received your estimate and you should have received a confirmation email. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Phone support
Phone support

If you have any questions about repairs, prices or general questions, just contact us.

How to contact us:
Mo. - Fr. from 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday from 10.00 am - 2.00 pm

0 68 42 / 70 80 919